Monday, July 3, 2017

How to use Microsoft onenote 2016 to locate page number from entire book

Hello friends.  If you are using Microsoft onenote 2016,  you can search any one word across many different options. This function can be specifically used when you have scanned a whole book and converted its chapters into various tabs  or sections.

Find in the following example that I search the one word called” prediction”  and it automatically highlighted the converted text and the original image also which is really a cool feature.  Sometimes you can notice in a small corner of the scanned page - that page number can be located in your hard copy of book

See below in upper right corner of the world for search,  you will find us tiny triangular button light object.  When you click it you will find multiple advanced search options.

These options are shown below  inside rounded circle.  when you take one of them the number of search results given will be different according to the option you have chosen.

But mind that if you are choosing all notebooks it may and your PC or it may take very long time to search the particular word.  So it is  advisable to organise your stuff in a way that one not does not in itself over the entire system.  My personal experience says that were not is very much notorious piece of software for hanging entire Windows; so use it wisely just like another heavy system resource using software.

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